Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The undergroud railroad caused_

The underground railroad and slaves escaping caused the civil war.(This was a humongous battle between the North and the South.
See full size image

Slave Picture

Here is a slave.She is owned by her slave owner. One day I hope she escapes this torture.
Photo of a slave using a basket.'s a runaway slave. Most likely he is escaping to the North where freedom is.

Routes of the underground railroad

Here is a picture of the routes of the underground railroad. Most runaways didn't have maps but they knew signals to find there way. One exsample is that slaves used Moss on trees that usual pointed to the north,or they used the northern star. See full size image

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The answers to our questions

What was it?

1.The Underground Railroad was an escape route for African Americans slaves. It gave them an opportunity to escape slavery and be free.

Were did it go?

2. The Underground Railroad went from the South to the North and sometimes to Canada and Mexico.

What was its purpose?

3. Runaway slaves used the Underground Railroad . This was a common way slaves escaped from their owners.

Who used it?

4.Many African Americans used the underground railroad. It was also used by some whites to help blacks escape.

Why did we need one?

5. Because it was against the law for African Americans to be free.

The Underground Railroad & it's Slaves

The Declaration of Independence helped to guarantee freedom for many slaves .The writers of the Declaration believed that all men were created equal.The laws were changing and those who were once runaway slaves were now free.

Safe Houses and Aboitionist

Many places didn't seem like a safe house in the underground railroad (a safe house is a place that was safe for slaves to go in ). In one book a runaway slave hid in a cornstalk. The people that help slaves escape to freedom were risking their lives.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Underground Railroad Routes

The underground railroads routes were actually headed for the north,then as they traveled on the slaves eventually ended up in Canada.They traveled to many different places like Maine to Iowa, also routes in Pennsylvania,Ohio,and Indiana most traveled.Ohio was the main place the railroad passed though and nobody noticed.But not underground,the train ran though the woods,over fields, and across many different types of rivers.Most escaping slaves followed the north star or the moss on the trees. Many former slaves were conductors of the underground railroad. One of the most famous conductors is Harriet Tubman. She returned to the south millions of times to save her family and slaves.